Hackathon events for engineering college students

What is Hackathon?

The hackathon is consists of two words “Hack” and “Marathon” where hack means trial and exploring the programming. Certainly, Hackathon is more like an event that lasts a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 3-4 days. Computer engineers of Top B Tech Colleges both hardware, as well as software, takes participate in hackathons in a huge number.

Purpose of Hackathons

Therefore, Hackathons are organized with a purpose, which is to create some functioning and innovative hardware or software programming by the end of the hack fest.
Hackathon is an event where participants are supposed to give a presentation about a particular subject along with about hackathon. They are usually a group of students of Best Engineering Colleges who present their ideas in front of the jury and the audience. In this hack fest, even the refreshment is served as it last from 24 hours to a few days.

Types of Hackathons

The first gathering of tech people was named as Hackathon held in 1999 at Calgary.
There are few different types of the hackathon are as follows:-

  • Hackathon Based on Application
  • Based on language and framework
  • Hackathon Based on Demographics
  • Based on Corporate

Hackathons Are Important?

Hackathons are organized not just for the interest of the society however it’s also for the interest of the b tech students who are pursuing engineering. They get a platform to showcase their potential to the max.

Hackathons are based on a particular subject and theme.
This has been discussed earlier whether they’re important for the students or not.
That is to say, They are several points which say that they are important for engineering students.

The hackathon focuses on to bring out the

  • Creativity- Does that product have the Wow factor to solve the problem?
  • Usability – How much usability the product can bring?
  • Technicality – How technology has been used in producing the product?
  • Scalability- is there any possibility to scale the product to the large? If yes then how?
  • Business value- Does that product have the potential to achieve the business goal?

Participants just not come with a product or idea however they also need to come along with the answers to these questions.
Every time an engineer participates in such technical events, they get to learn so many things i.e.,

  • How to work as a team?
  • How to come up with an innovative idea?
  • To explore to the maximum?
  • How to solve the problem?

This kind of experience results in the student’s development. Arya College Jaipur has been consistently organizing such hackathon events and supporting students to participate in another organized event too. Faculty at Arya College how important these hackathons are for the students and they assure that every engineering students become part of such events. Also, Participation helps them to Think BIG, explore, and learn.

For more information visit the website of Arya College.

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